4th of July 2023: Fantastic Fun, Food & Frivolity

Our first Seasons’ Eatings picnic celebrating July 4th was a rousing success complete with croquet, a modicum of badminton, specialty-crafted OH-MY-GOODNESS sangrias, and an overflowing abundance of silly-good food and even-silliergood company. In case anyone cares, two of our Canadian guests who were first timers to the game – a teacher and a florist/landscaper – beat the socks off of their competition, an attorney and doctor in a highly spiked game of croquet!

Juan manned the grill with beer-steamed brats, chicken, and pork and beef ribs accompanied by a wild variety of sides including truffle mac ‘n cheese and green goddess potato salad with avocados just to name a couple. We yumyummed it all the way until 8 pm through dessert, tiki torches, and chatting. Think about it for next year . . .

Please know that one of the most special aspects of the Seasons’ Eatings dinners and picnics is that the hostess, ME, actually gets to spend personal time with our participants – huge grace and blessing for me.