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Guess who came to dinner?


Guess who came to dinner? In the couple of years since we installed the stealth cam up by the bees and the feeding station, we have enjoyed and shared images of a variety of visitors, but this is [...]

Guess who came to dinner?2020-06-12T20:34:11-07:00

 Welcome Back our Friend


 Welcome Back our Friend These high temps have really diminished the activity at our feeders where on many days we have no visitors between three and nearly 10 p.m. The bees are focusing on all the natural goodies and [...]

 Welcome Back our Friend2020-06-09T16:12:56-07:00

A Busy Night Dining Alfresco


A Busy Night Dining Alfresco Having made an incredible chicken broth in our food bank efforts, we decided to give the critters a special treat of the remains of the broth.  Mr. and Mrs. Grey fox were our early [...]

A Busy Night Dining Alfresco2020-05-16T21:33:12-07:00

Javelina Babies


Javelina Babies! In the wee hours the havelina hoard paid us another visit. Initially, there was a heated discussion about matters unknown, but by the dawning, all was calm and full of family values. [...]

Javelina Babies2020-05-06T11:14:43-07:00
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