Please don’t ever tell us stuff that you don’t mean because believe it or not, we really and truly do listen to YOU! Back in October one of our beloved guests mentioned if we had considered creating an extension of the handrailing at the top of the Reunited Resurrection garden staircase? The truth is we had NOT until that moment.

Strange as it seems, a foggy, damp, dreary January day presented the perfect opportunity for Joshua to retrieve some glorious, discarded iron fencing and for us to see what practical magic we might conjure up.

Getting it just right
Making it safe

As usual the vision migrated just a tad as we attempted to make it happen so we had to do a little remodeling of our as-found treasures.

At it again

Finally, we ended up with the lion’s share of our addition in place and we are thinking that some bauble will soon adorn the top of the post. Miss Prince has a vision that it might be fun to find a raven to permanently greet ascending guests – what do you think?

Just where we want it

Teresa and Garrett, the guests who started all this, visited immediately after our installation and they think it works – OH GLORIOUSITY!

Safety first
Teresa at the gate

Please promise us that your will ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS tell us when something here could be better . . . do you promise?