Evolving Morsel Teasers
I am just shaking my head at how, since 1994, some things have come full circle – changing, shifting, transforming in appearance while in their essence just becoming themselves over and over again. That truism surely applies to me cooking and to my gaggle of cookbooks. This whole “morsel” series of cookbooks deal began in about 1995, having just over one year under my belt running TSH as a B&B. The titles originated back in my consulting days when a colleague jokingly referred to me as ‘the delicate Hungarian morsel’. The humor of that nickname sticks to this day and resurfaced when we published The Resourceful Morsel: Not So Secret Recipes from The Surgeon’s House in early 1997. We followed that with Revisit the Morsel and then finally Mother’s Morsel: I Found Forgiveness in the Mixing Bowl. Next came The Consummate Morsel, The Birthday Morsel, and finally The Evolving Morsel – plus the yearly addition of holiday recipes. But, my ALL-TIME ABSOLUTE FAVORITE cookbook title of all never happened (but it isn’t too late!) Who wouldn’t be drawn to a cookbook entitled Too Many Guests and Not Enough Bananas? We’ll keep that in mind.
By the time I had amassed enough recipes for another volume, I was dragged kicking and screaming out of the Neanderthal era by ditching the hardcopies and putting all the recipes together on a diskette – remember those? I was reluctant but advanced technology prevailed with a little side order of influence from my checkbook that the disks were so much more affordable to produce so they could be so much more affordable to you – yea! And now we find ourselves taking another giant leap into cyberspace by making the entire library of recipes available online in The Evolving Morsel – The Surgeon’s House Recipe Library.
In honor of my granny and so many other delicious cooks, I couldn’t desert the notion of a hardcopy volume so we have created a new binder called Recipes, for our This Is Your Life The Surgeon’s House library. It will live with the other members of the library in the living Room, ready and waiting for you to visit and turn a page or two. Browse away during your next stay – If you have any questions you’re apt to find me in the kitchen. Does that surprise any of us . . .?
Take a look at what you can create!