Welcome to June
Vicki Day2024-06-08T11:28:18-07:00June has barely begun and here comes summer in all its spicey glory. Latte Papa has taken up back door greeting duties.
June has barely begun and here comes summer in all its spicey glory. Latte Papa has taken up back door greeting duties.
If you want to see what is REALLY happening in Jerome that you won’t see anywhere else, take a gander at what is happening at The Surgeon’s House aka our Coconut Island in the Sky.
If you ever doubted that Jerome is worth visiting, take a REALLY QUICK look at what the gardens are offering right this minute.
Only a mother can love some of these endearing signs of the spring equinox and admire the dexterity of getting dried off.
Just when you think it is safe to go nursery shopping. . . when all the Indian signs told us that it was good to nursery shop to regenerate our pots, we had second thoughts as the temps dropped abruptly and down came the ‘sky juice’ so into the honey shack went all our newbies.
As we near the middle of February, the Earth Mother is gifting us some teasers of better, brighter times to come. Life of all natures is peeking and poking out. See the evolution of the hellebores from barely peeking, to bud, to flower.
The regrettable extreme overpopulation of the javalenas in our area is tragic and it is continuing.
As the temperatures continue to dip and the wind is showing its more fierce side, a few hanger-oners and unique visitors present themselves.
Just when you think you have seen it all, Mother Nature throws us a couple of curve balls. The falcon and the selfie of the skunk are first timers.
Both inside and out, one minute it was late summer and then FALL FELL on us with colder temperatures alongside that glorious pre-winter sunshine. Joshua and Juan tackled pruning of the ash tree while a new spider woman moved in and the anemone virginianas appeared in all their glory.