I’m going through a muffin kick – who knows why, we just do these things.  Anyway, you also know I am about the laziest cook I know so things need to be easy-schmeazy if I am going to be having fun.  I have adapted an old bisquick recipe of all things and am loving its simplicity, ease, and speed. Also, if I make savory ones, they are muffins and if they are if the sweet bent then they are cupcakes!  There is no end to the variations on this theme but I am suggesting a couple of my most well-received ones: Pecan & parm (beyond the beyond believe me); Bacon or sausage & Maytag bleu; Plumped cherries or cranberries & rosemary; Pears, lemon zest, cracked pepper & thyme; Cheddar & chives; and finally Raspberries and ginger – freshly grated or crystallized.  By the by a sneakybutt trick when baking with fresh berries so that your batter doesn’t turn the colour of the berries…freeze them briefly, then add to your batter.  It does NOT affect the back time strangely enough.