Fleurs, Fins, & Furries
at The Surgeon’s House
Blooming and Thriving
September seems to have everyone making nice with everyone else and who would guess that zinnias need a local spider as guardian?
The Hostess with the Mostest
It seems our conifers have hung out the ‘Vacancy’ sign and look who has moved in – the weeping blue atlas cedar is now home to a morning glory and the blue spruce has given a leg up to the rose bush at its base.
News from the Outside Hinterland
We continue to be blessed by the extraordinary monsoons that allow Mother Earth to help everything to thrive. And everyone is getting along which as it should be.
What did you do on your family vacation?
Our little raccoon family returned just days after their first visit and look at what quick and precocious learners the kids are. Just days ago, mom was helping everybody and now they are VERY BIG kiddos.
Cuteness OVERLOAD!
If you have an aversion to saying “ooooh” and “aaaaah” I suggest that you stop reading this post right this minute! We were just commenting that it must have been an unfortunate year for any raccoon family as we hadn’t seen babies yet and lo and behold, look who visited us last evening. . .mama and FIVE babes!
Who could be so Precious?
The elusive Miss Jemima Pearl was caught at ‘her post.’ Our night blooming cereus gave us its ALL yet again and our family of skunks is just beyond belief. The little guy who has puffed himself up can’t be as long as a size 8 ladies’ shoe! He looks like a stuffed toy. . .
Magical Garden Liaisons
Take a look at who July has perfectly paired in the love arena outside.
Waterworld Revisited
Once again Joshua and I enjoyed the good fortune of an opportunity to hang the ‘gone fishin’ sign and trekked to Phoenix where we honed our koi-herding and transporting skills, returning with 8 glorious beauties!
Sweet Peeks
The monsoons brought just a few minutes of hail which was just enough to pockmark our lily pads but look at the sweeties that waited to bloom until after that storm.
Garden Peak
You may get weary of my child-like delight and surprise at what presents itself in the gardens and yard but I love these treats.
Garden Walking
Look what the frenzied chaos of summer is bringing us.
And the beat ramps up
Walk and peek with me . . .
Miracles and surprising delights
As I was huffing my way up the Reunited Resurrection garden steps after my run, look at what opened my eyes! Randy the cactus has NEVER made so many blooms all at once and there is one more to come!
The Classic Koi Kaper
This week was a HUMONGOUS one on our Coconut Island in the Sky koi world as we travelled to two locations in Phoenix to collect new finned folks ranging in size from 3” – 16”.
. . . Of birds & blossoms
My love affair with our airborne friends continues as these skittish folks come and go.
Flaps up flaps down
Here is a quick update on our new exotics with the first lotus bud barely glancing the top of the water.
A true first for us!
Last November we became aware of a wonderful venture right in Cornville and met with the innovative and intense cultivator, Jordan.
We canNOT keep up with Mother Nature
On literally every front, things are simply exploding into bloom and activity with our feeding station offering some new twists and a rousing welcome home to our finned folks who have ‘returned from West Palm Beach (our euphemism for their winter hibernation).’
We’re FAT & SASSY!
One of the most magical aspects of The Surgeon’s House grounds are the critters with whom we co-habit and don’t always see.
Let the spring equinox begin
Beauty surrounds me, beauty all around me. Quiet beauty of the new flowers of springtime.
It’s all happening outside!
It is very heartwarming to see that as late in the year as it is and while we have no idea the gender of these siblings, here they are all together still.
Answer to Prayers!
For any of you who have visited and are checking in once in a while, I am certain you will be as delirious as we are at seeing this very healthy person overnight. We are surely hoping he or she returns and prospers.
Up and At ’em
It is not even the middle of February and of course the daffies and other spring people are making green motions upward all over the gardens but one brave crowd was The First for 2022 to join the hellies in center stage of winter color.
Illuminating Clarity and Reflection
Even in the coldest of weather, we backwash the ponds weekly and on a sunny albeit FRIGID January day like today, I can promise you Joshua limits the number of times he dips his hands into the ponds.
A Holiday Overnight
The solstice brought us some blessed rain and warmer temps. Look who responded in full holiday regalia.