Although the ladybugs have been in short supply, we have a few other neighbors keeping themselves busy this month. With our datura in full regalia where it volunteers in the veggie shed, a praying mantis has taken up housekeeping. Look closely as you see this person secreting itself in its home and in one image, looking us square in the eye!

We were graced with one of these dudes 2 years ago in the corner of the dining room screen door and another in a large zinnia in the driveway. This year, our visitor prefers the small area between the weeping blue atlas cedar and the fence. Our view of this individual is essentially of their tummy and their butt up. Google told Joshua that it was a ’common house spider’ but I can assure you there is nothing common about this person! I’m not certain if these guys do this but some spiders actually spin out their web to navigate and transport them long distances – purely amazing!

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