We are literally down to the last several snippets of squares to be completed – 3 that fall over the step under the gate – and the remaining portion of the design nearest to the house which is temporarily currently covered with foliage that would have to be destroyed so we shall await mother nature’s bidding. If it is still warm enough when the potato vine dies back, we will finish that portion in another couple of weeks and if not, we shall wait until the next most perfect moment presents itself weather and plant-wise.

In the meantime, the Capt. wanted to get our topcoat applied. Upon close reading of the instructions, the manufacturer absolutely pledges that one coat of this product is sufficient. Our handy dandy Ace Hardware helper says this is THE BEST.

It is similar to a two-part epoxy, one part of which is a catalyst for hardening so you mix small batches and apply with careful alacrity.

We have tried to capture the change in the shine-factor but these images don’t do it justice. It looks like glass or real tile or as if it is wet. Just magnificent!

The Capt. has discovered what he elects to call his one inexplicable oops and it shall remain. With application of the topcoat, phase one of the faux redux is c’est fini!
To fully appreciate the transformation, look at what we began with less than one month ago.

. . . vs. where we are now . . .

. . . And on to phase two we go with the addition of the newly designed elements added to either side!