Dale Carnegie should step back and genuflect in Ann Reis’ direction because that darned girl got us – we’re NOT the caterers – yet again when a glut of green peppers showed up at our food bank. We initially took two cases and then later took two cases more which transformed into roasted green pepper & cream cheese dip or, with the thinning help of a little water, a roasted green pepper bisque. The initial ‘haul’ turned into 220 peppers stuffed with turkey, rice, onions and finished with a topper of the red sauce that we had previously made from food bank offerings . . . over-the-top yummy.

We conscripted our neighbor Allen to pitch in on the cutting and stuffing assault on the peppers while Joshua and I manned the other chopping and cooking tasks.

So, 3 folks, 3 hours (not including pepper oven time and packaging) in combo with the following donated ingredients returned to the food bank 220 INDIVIDUAL PORTIONS of stuffed peppers – yea!

(2) cases of green peppers (220 total, not one bad one)

(8) large red onions

(6) lbs. rice

Double the amount of rice of homemade broth all from the food bank

(10) lbs. ground turkey

(3) gal. homemade red sauce from food bank ingredients

(5) cans roasted red peppers

Sobering, isn’t it, how many can be fed with just a modicum of effort – thanks to all that volunteer and donate and let us ‘come play’ every week from andrea and TSH crew