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What’s the Haps?

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April Activities Abound at TSH

By |April 14th, 2024|

Man, oh man are things ramping up with activity around here. Maggie McDonald and I are inching towards a month-end collaboration to repair and revitalize the faux mosaic that her mother and in-house TSH artist created way back when.

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By |March 11th, 2024|

I’m back with the intention to get on track with the story-writing part of my stewardship here and the first step is to document the chronology of what has and has NOT happened since 2017, my home’s 100th birthday that inspired the compilation of the binders of This Is Your Life – The Surgeon’s House.

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Will Miracles Never Cease?

By |March 6th, 2024|

I simply can’t believe that it has taken us so long to re-build, seal, and complete the painting of the steps leading to the honey shack and the veggie shed. Nonetheless we FINALLY COMPLETED that task to the joy of all of us who use those stairs.

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GUNG HAY FAT CHOI !!!!! The Making of a Dragon

By |February 15th, 2024|

The advent of the Chinese new year 2/10/2024, which in Chinese astrology is The Year of the Wood Dragon, caused TSH staff to jump in whole hog for a year of AUSPICIOUSNESS, IMPERIAL POWER, AUTHORITY, DIGNITY, HONOR, SUCCESS, LUCK & CAPACITY. How is that for a mouthful of a big order?

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And the Beat goes on

By |November 27th, 2023|

Over 10 years ago when we expanded the Maid’s Suite Back to double its size, Builder Bill constructed this set of ‘temporary’ constructions steps as our only means of getting to that elevation.

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The Magic Lens

By |July 10th, 2023|

Our friend and photographer Michele Jones once again graced us with a visit. Take a look at how she saw, explored, and captured the magic both inside and out of all that IS The Surgeon’s House.

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Aren’t We Spiffy?

By |June 28th, 2023|

In a former recent blog post we told you that the only architectural feature my home did NOT offer me was the most ideal, protected, and DRY location to sit and experience storms as they make their way up and down the valley and over our mountain.

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A Safety Addition

By |May 27th, 2023|

As Adriel and I decompressed and ‘highed-down’ from our amazing hiving experience, my Monday morning quarterbacking told me that the long and steeply-inclined path towards the bird feeder was precarious and needed some safety upgrades.

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Drive up the hill & into the past!

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