My Quaker granny annie continuously asked me during my childhood if I could ‘make myself useful as well as ornamental,’ meaning, “Get with it!” Since January is traditionally a slower month for us, we keep an ongoing projects list so we may stay caught up with maintenance that is best accomplished withOUT beloved guests. So far we have tackled repainting all the suite bed boxes and the change is unbelievable.

Next came the long overdue attention to stair railings. Safety first is always our moto so the rebuilding of the outside staircase near the garage came first. ‘Prettying it up’ is step 2. Let us hear your feedback please on improved functionality.

With handrailings on our brains, we asked Joshua to add two new handrailings descending into our office area.

Braveheart Primo helped us evaluate the needs in the kitchen while Fiona Papillon opted for a long winter’s nap.