The Capt. took a few days of well-deserved respite then proceeded to clear coat the left side.

After several days of me contemplating the piece with only the left tendril, I turned it over to the divinity of inspired communication to succeed in letting him ‘see’ the lilting, horizontal curve I pictured for the right side. I decided that if I failed, that was a sign that we were indeed done. Not to be, however, as the Capt. returned once again with exactly what I intended and so he began.

Once he drew his pattern on the wall, he made one ‘as-built’ change to superimpose the 1” squares over the larger pattern, tapering into the lilting horizontal curving curlieque. It makes my heart sing . . .

And finally, the unveiling of the entire work of art . . . and on the “7th day”, we said IT IS GOOD.

This faux mosaic restoration completed October of 2024,
is tenderly dedicated to our beloved and departed
qc inspector, Miss Latte Papa.