Gobble Day 2024 packed the house with some of our beloved kindreds Michelle & Bret Zahn, Ella & Lucas Brand, and Doc Rog & entourage along with the grace of a couple of neighbors, Mark and John, and some new treasured attendees who we hope will become regulars. Of course, preparations began behind the scenes long ago and into the day before the gathering.
In spite of the fact that we burst our gusset in seating capacity and dragged out our 50’s tv and lap trays, tremendously well-received ‘good eats’ were the rule of the day and much communion of heads, hearts, and tummies.
In the world of the Essenes, this is the evening focus of the Angel of Creativity for the season of Beltane. It has always spoken volumes to my head and my heart, but no more than right now. I want to share with all of you that it is through my labour of right livelihood in hosting you that I experience fulfillment, joy and security. Thank you for that honour and blessing.
Heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving for all who joined us!