That devious cadre of elves that leave your garage in a god-awful mess about every 6-9 months outdid themselves recently in our large garage. We suddenly realized that one of the main beams holding up the existing ‘attic’ was significantly cracked and sagging – oops! As we thought about the requisite fix, it occurred to us that we might want to expand our storage at the same time as taking a really hard look at ridding ourselves of unneeded items and organizing the remaining. Bill of materials, shopshop complete, and tools assembled, we set at it. I can tell you balancing that jack was no walk in the park but we persevered!

With the existing attic now back in safe-mode, the actual new construction went flawlessly.

What a grand uplift for my erstwhile 104-year-old garage – big doings’ as they say . . . we’ll spare you the details of the clean out and reorg but we are well pleased.