Every now and again, we are graced with a gifting from a guest who has some treasured object, usually from their family, that they just believe belongs here.  Three years ago, on my home’s 100th birthday, we received a complete place setting of Limoges china that also happened to be 100 years old.  It has since become our standard for breakfast every day.

Recently, guests Dayton and Paula had a similar feeling about two of his grandmother’s depression glass pieces so he asked if we might want them. Even sight unseen, who could say ‘no thank you’ to such a heartfelt gesture and request? Look at these exquisite beauties that will never again live in a box and destined to be unused and unappreciated. From my heart Dayton, thank you . . .

p.s.  And now we have a small part of you as a part of us!