All out-of-doors projects are subject to the whim of Mother Nature and our faux mosaic restoration is no exception. Joshua’s repair of the other concrete corner as well as Capt. Allen’s continued restoration efforts were stalled for several days by the gusty winds creeping our way from hurricane Illiana carrying all manner of debris. The gents are back at it currently and the Capt. believes he is cresting the 75-80% completion mark.

All but a 3-foot portion of one of the 1”x1” swirls are finished leaving the larger triangles and outlining squares which prove far less tedious. With each day this creation breathes more deeply and garners more attention making the light at the end of the tunnel on the reno phase of this classic project peaking on the horizon.

We are SOOOOOO basking in in this rebirth we can hardly contemplate phase two: the additions – see the first roughs. In this next phase, the Capt. truly shines in his glamorously and flawlessly created new swirling legs.