It shouldn’t come as a surprise that after 28 years a couple of our poor old screen doors had seen better days. An ongoing challenge with older structures is of course they are NOT what is now considered ‘standard size’? One decrepit dining room screen door and the one to the Chauffeur’s Quarters were beginning to look like curly pasta. To the rescue springs our neighbor man, Al, who just happens to be a wizard when it comes to squaring up doors and windows so voila! Al added a tight spring to the bottom of the Chauffeur’s Quarter’s screen that, over time, should actually cause the door to re-shape – wow.
Not to be outdone in crying for proper maintenance, our amazing granny of a Wolfe commercial unit began malfunctioning in that the pilot would not stay lighted – incredibly infuriating and potentially devastating for breakfast prep, right? Relighting this beast isn’t an easy chore at best so after 100 ‘repairmen’ and quotes ranging from pennies to ‘$600 and we don’t guarantee anything’ to ‘there are no replacement parts anymore so you’ll just have to cough up $40k for a new one (laughable)’ we put on our Sherlock Holmes hats. Praise be we found an after-purchase regulator online so for a walloping $75 and 1/2hr of time, we were back in reliable business. What a relief at every level and we should be all-set for the rest of my lifetime – yeah!