This week was a HUMONGOUS one on our Coconut Island in the Sky koi world as we travelled to two locations in Phoenix to collect new finned folks ranging in size from 3” – 16”. On our first stop, we were mightily challenged in having to corral and net some guys who were UNcooperative to say the least. These images make us look like we are stalking in the wild, right (?) where we attempted to employ the herd and separate technique. You ABSOLUTELY must must must be smarter than whatever you trying to catch.

Off we went to the second location where our koi babies were already awaiting our pickup so after collecting them quickly, off we sped northbound. In the meantime, one of our temp carriers sprung a leak so we had to do some quick shuffling and rearranging of ice packs and fishes.

Once here, we hauled all the larger people to the ponds where the seven largest went into the upper pond.

Next we headed to the lower pond with the plastic bags of koi butterfly littles filled with water and air that served as their travel containers. Did you know that this is how koi are flown from long distances? Also, we float the bags in the pond for a time so that their inside water temp is the same as the pond they are entering.

All in all, a successful and heartwarming day of newcomers and such an interesting spectacular watching everyone check out everyone else and their new digs.

Finally, we also added four lion-headed goldfish to our new water lily trough to help keep that world clean and beautiful.