If you’re following us in The Evolving Morsel section of the site, then you know that Miss Prince has yet again been dragged not-so-kicking-and-screaming this time into our current cyberspace world by sharing the entire contents of our cookbook online.  Find the link and CLICK IT.  In this major move, we felt we also needed to archive hardcopies of recipes and Kim Smerek food-related original artwork so . . . This Is Your Life The Surgeon’s House has a new volume entitled, you guessed it, RECIPES.

Collating and assembling the book was nothing short of a major task and we are committed to keeping both the hardcopy and online version fresh for you with any new offerings or updates to old favorites, so continue to check in. Never hesitate to call with questions.

We have created a table of contents for the hardcopy so it should be fun for you to browse on your next visit.  Take pics with your phone of your favorite ones.

Look for it on the shelf in the living room and browse to your hearts’ content.  Can’t you just smell and taste the goodness in this last eggy dish?