Here we were in the middle of what should be monsoon season and yearning for rain, so sure enough it came in torrents on the day of our Labor Day Seasons’ Eatings picnic. Praise be we delayed the final set-up of tables and food until the last minute when into the dining room we scurried with the rain nipping at our heels.

Capt. Allen and Juan braved the elements to ensure that the grill work continued and we picnicked to our hearts’ content regardless – does the phrase neither rain, nor hail, nor dead-of-night come to mind?

Everything came together beautifully and we dined on some pretty fun picnic fare, including ice cream floats and our specially-crafted Smore’s Smashies.

Since Labor Day is always right about now, I think a tent as a fallback may be in our 2024 future. Come join us knowing we always make good fun and food!